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Personal Coach

About Rahin

I work with clients to develop the tools, skills and insights needed to support them in accomplishing their goals and live a meaningful life.

My approach is based on utilizing your strengths and experiences, combined with evidence based practices to ensure you are crafting a life where you thrive.

As a coach, I seek to ask powerful questions, share new ideas and perspectives to help you choose the right actions that align with your values.

Working with my clients to create personalized success plans has been transformative in helping them improve in multiple areas of their life.

I actively consult a team of coaches, psychotherapists, executives, entrepreneurs and mentors to provide insight and guidance on how I can better support my coaching clients. This is confidential and ensures that I am receiving consistent feedback from a variety of perspectives.

I have previously worked as a Leadership Coach at York University and have given presentations on personal development, productivity, happiness and mental health to over 600 people.

If you would like to explore working with me, I encourage you to schedule a free 60 minute consultation where you can share your goals and I can help you create a plan for achieving them.

To schedule a consultation, email me directly at [email protected] with a short description of your situation and your goals and I will reach out to you at my earliest convenience.

"I believe that there is no universal approach to coaching. I tailor high quality sessions specifically for each client, to reflect his or her individual personality and needs."

Jennifer Pike, PsyD

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Stay In Touch

1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220
Phone Number
(255) 352-6258
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